Wednesday, May 28, 2008

March 21-April 19
That sticky situation at home or at work might get pretty frustrating today. Try not to let it get to you too much, because if you do, it gets that much more difficult to deal with tomorrow or the next day.
April 20-May 20
You get a great reminder of how lucky you are, socially speaking, when someone really comes through for you. It may be help with a problem you didn't know you had, or it may be a surprise gift.
May 21-June 21
You long for a big change in your life -- one that seems to be a long time coming. It's a good time to try way-out ideas and see what happens, because your dreams can come true if you push.
June 22-July 22
It's a great day for brainstorming and letting your mind wander -- you never know what you might come up with. See if you can find a like mind or two so you can work together on mutually interesting issues.
July 23-August 22
It's a good idea to take a giant step back and figure out what's really going on with that new client or potential mate -- you may be making a few assumptions that won't hold up under a harsher light.
August 23-September 22
Unless someone close is about to put their life at risk, try not to criticize their choices today. It's just too hard to couch it in language that is respectful enough to effectively sway them.
September 23-October 22
It's a good time for you to step back and clear your plate -- even if that means leaving some things undone. You haven't got quite as much time as you think you do, so make sure you prioritize!
October 23 - November 21
Imaginative power comes naturally to you and on days like today, you find it easier than ever to dream up new plans and solutions. Don't worry about how crazy they may seem at this stage.
November 22-December 21
It's another slow day, but at least you can get going! It may be hard to tackle projects that involve more than one stage or too many details, so try your best to just focus on what's in front of you.
December 22-January 19
You may not fancy yourself a writer, but on days like today, your written words are more powerful than anyone else's. Email, texting, IM and old-fashioned letters are all potent tools at your disposal.
January 20-February 18
Spending is a powerful force, but it can't solve all the problems you face. Today you need to choose between incurring greater debt and forgoing some amenity that you really want -- but things should settle down soon.
February 19-March 20
Your assistance is crucial to making a difference in someone's life and timing is everything. You should see what's needed and be able to take care of it without interfering much in their plans.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Canadian Geography 120 in a Distance Education Setting

I really enjoyed the Distance Education course that I took this semester. I feel that the semester work plan guide did meet my needs in that I rarely felt rushed to get my assignments completed. I felt that the work load was fairly average, and wasn’t too much for me to do. The information that I was given on the website for my assignments was clear and concise. I was able to follow along easily. There were a few resources available for my course, but more would make it easier to find what you are looking for.
Students should be told in detail about the Distance Education courses, and what will be expected of you. They should be told completely that it is on your own and there isn’t someone reminding them that their assignment is due. I had no problems whatsoever with navigating the course or finding out where anything was. The site was designed well, and everything seems to be at your fingertips with regards to finding what you need. The roles of the teacher and facilitator seem odd to me. The teacher mainly just sits in the class and keeps order, as they may not have taught the subjects that are in that class. Plus there is a teacher in a different place that can help you out if you need it. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the teacher in the classroom know the subjects of the students in their room? For example, it would be more beneficial to me to have a canadian geography teacher in my class, so then I could just go up and ask my question and get an immediate response. With a facilitator, sometimes you have to wait a day or so to get an answer about the question that you have. I do not think that a weekly tutorial for all students would be beneficial, because different students work at their own pace, so having a tutorial for everyone would mess up the process of the students who learn at different paces. The email accounts could be better utilized because they could be a place where the facilitators could send a quick word of praise to the students who did good on an assignment, etc. I don't think deadlines should be placed on the units because then it seems like so much more work to do, whereas when you have one assignment that's due in a week, it doesn't seem like that much work that needs to be done. I do believe that more pictures, diagrams and graphics would add a lot to the course, instead of just a lot of text. As for the assignments, my only complaint is the amount of graphs and diagrams that needed to be labelled and made. They are the most time-consuming of anything.

The regular evaluation of student progress could be improved by more communication between the facilitators and the students. There could be a place where you could keep a journal showing your progress within the course. If you make the journal worth some marks I'm sure that the students would be more than willing to participate. I think students should be tested whenever the test is scheduled. By giving a student a date, it is their responsibility to be ready by this time. I think the tests should be done online, as it is an online course. Students should become familiar with the computers, and should be able to navigate on them efficiently enough to be able to write a test online. I think the evaluation should be formatted in a way that allows the students to show what they have learned and to show that their online course was beneficial to them in some way. I think that regular assignments should be worth 80%, work ethic, regular testing, special projects, and the final examination should be worth 5% each. The assignments are the main topic in this course, as it is where you learn all the information, so it should have the biggest weight.
I liked being able to work at my own pace and teach myself about the topics, rather than being taught to. That made the course interesting and fun for me. However, I did not really like all of the maps and graphs and diagrams that I needed to do. They took a lot of time, which could have been put towards something else. I would take another distance course, but since I am graduating, I can't. I did enjoy it because it was a nice break from the normal, everyday class room setting.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Journal #12

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about our advertising project that we are working on. My group is doing subliminal messaging and product placement. I find that researching subliminal messages is very interesting, because you see the messages in a different way if your purpose is to dissect them. There are a lot of subliminal messages out there that we don't really think about because we just see them as an ad, not as having a hidden message in them. We can be easily influenced by advertisements because we do not take the time to really look at them and see what the meaning is. The advertisements can have a whole different meaning, but if you do not take the time to look at it, you will not notice it. When we looked at the ads in class, we saw something totally different when we really looked at them. Some people might think that the ads were sexy and appropriate, but if you take the time to look you can see that women are portrayed totally differently in ads. I think that this advertising project will be very informative and will make people look at advertisements in a whole new light.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Journal #11

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about how advertising affects us. Advertising affects us in basically everything we do. We are constantly influenced about what we see in ads, which can be seen or heard on the radio, television, magazines and newspapers. If we see an ad with something that we are familiar with, we will probably stop to watch it, just because we like the product or have seen it before. There are also commercials that people will watch over and over again, simply because they like the commercial, not necessarily the product. Advertising affects us because we may see an ad about a product, and then buy it because we like how the product was portrayed in the ad. Personally, I will watch commercials that I like, and sometimes will get an idea for something else based on some of the ads I see in magazines, etc. Very rarely will I go and buy a product that I see on a commercial or in an ad, unless I have thought about buying it before. Overall, we are still influenced and affected by every type of advertising.