Thursday, March 13, 2008

Journal #4

(Media Studies)
This week we watched "An Inconvenient Truth" in which Al Gore talked about global warming. I found it amazing, as I didn't really know the exact meaning of global warming. It was very informative, but also very scary. The statistics are alarming, and I am worried that not enough people have this information, or take it seriously. I know some people think that global warming is fake, or just a fad. In my opinion, it is very real. I believe footage showing that Antarctica is melting. And I would think that this would be a bad thing, and I am definatly not a scientist. The graphs and diagrams showing how global warming is caused was very interesting and easy to understand. I think that this should be shown more to educate people of the dangers of global warming. I was really shocked when I saw the diagrams showing how the sea levels would increase if parts of Greenland and Antarctica melted. I was astonished that so much of the world would then be underwater. The fact that the World Trade Center Memorial site would no longer exist is unimaginable to me. One scientist was quoted saying that we would have to create a new world map if this kept occurring. As a person, I would never have guessed that such a thing would even need to be mentioned. I am worried that many people think that it is nothing to worry about, and carry on as they have been. My question would be "Well, what if it is real?" Would it hurt to start doing some things to help the environment instead of help kill it? I don't think some people realize that this is the only world there is; if something happens to it, is there an alternative for life? I don't think so. And I enjoyed how Al Gore put the movie together, even if there were times that focused on him and his family and experiences. I think that this just made the movie more personal. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie.

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