Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Editorial Assignment #4


1. The publisher is Shelley Wood. It is also a division of the Brunswick News.
2. The entertainment news is on pages D3 and D4.
3. The headline from a story from a foreign country is "Activists outraged; South Africa allows killing of elephants".
4. A photograph that shows people in action can be found on page A3.
5. A news story about a politician is "Obama faces parodies, questions about his promise in race".
6. Two reporters who write for the Daily Gleaner are: Stephen Llewellyn and Michael Staples.
7. Two columnists are: Jo-Ann Fellows and Laverne Stewart.
8. A national news story is "Doomsday vault to protect world's seeds".
9. The Canadian city that recorded the highest temperature is Victoria (9)
10. You can find a list of the sports scores on pages B2 and B3.
11. The subject of today's editorial cartoon is the amount of ambulances that have crashed recently because of the lack of good tires.
12. My horoscope is: Aries: Work with others. Listen. The unexpected will take a toll f you don't flex and open up to other possibilities. Integrate new information, and what you experience will happen easily. Confusion surrounds plans or a goal. Tonight: How about a game of Scrabble?
13. A business story is: "Electronic Arts offers US $2 billion for Take-Two" on page C1.
14. Two examples of opinion writing are: "Value bilingualism's success" and "Stop trying to force French" which are both found on page C7.
15. Three things found on the editorial page are: the editorial cartoon, the letters to the editor, and the editorial itself.

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