Friday, February 8, 2008

Journal #1

(Media Studies)
The topic that I am going to talk about this week is pretty much everything we have done so far. First of all is the Challenge Day videos. I thought they were amazing in that even the guys that were in opposite gangs were hugging and saying that they wanted to change. Obviously this technique is quite effective and should be done at more schools, more often. I didn't participate when it was at OHS because I wasn't sure what it was, but now that I know some stuff about it I think it is awesome. Second is the advertisements that we looked at yesterday. I thought the cereal ones for Special K were really good, but I was disappointed when I read the article that said that the US changed the ads to have Cindy Crawford instead. I think that ads that are about a healthy weight should have regular people in them instead of famous people. Then the ads would seem much more believable. Anyway I enjoyed everything that we talked about this week :)

*My Bulldog Burger ad is on the computer that I was working on, in case you want to look at it... because I didn't know where to put it...

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