Friday, February 22, 2008

Journal #2

(Media Studies)
This week, I would like to discuss the video that we watched yesterday, the one about the university classroom. I really liked this video, and I think that it should be shown in many high school classes. I liked the video because it shows some realities that are going to happen, once some of us enter post secondary education. The things that are shown are also statistics, so it is a lot more real than just someone telling a story. The fact that the students are saying what they mean by writing on a piece of paper gives it more impact as well. Even though the video is not that long, it shows students a little of what to expect if they go on to university. It shows what a waste it can be if you go to class and just go on facebook for the whole time. It gives you the knowledge that professors will not chase you for late work, because you are the one that is paying for the education, and you are the one that has everything to lose. I also thought that it was interesting that many students will get an education for a career that doesn't even exist yet. It is something that I have never really thought about. It is kind of scary that technology is moving so quickly. Overall, this was the best video that I have seen in a long time, and it gave me some good lessons about what might occur at university.

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