Friday, April 25, 2008

Journal #10

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about the ongoing disputes that are centred around the Olympics. I know it is a very controversial topic, so I would like to throw my two cents in. I believe that countries should boycott the Olympics to show China that the world does not agree with its rule over Tibet. I don't think the Olympics should be put on in a country that us bringing such harm onto other people. It has escalated so that it is no longer about the athletes, but Tibet. The Olympics are supposed to be a symbol of peace, and I agree with many other people that the Olympics should not be held when there is not really a sense of peace in the world. Many people have said that the pro Tibet protesters are being disrespectful towards the athletes as they have continued to try to sabotage the torch relay. In my opinion, these people have been protesting for a long time, and now are simply using the Olympics as a global stage to get the word out. I completely approve.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Journal #9

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about the presentations that are being done in class. I am really enjoying them, even if my group has not gone yet. I have found that they are extremely informative, as most have taken the entire class. I feel that they are very in depth, and I have learned a lot. I think that the visuals, like the clothing that are similar to the decades, are a nice part of the presentations as it is something different than just a poster. I find that learning about these decades are very interesting, especially to see that some things that were popular then are still popular now. I really liked working on my presentation with my group, and I learned a lot while working on it. It is a nice change from the basic essays that we always have to write. I think this kind of presentation enables us to learn and see things about a different topic that we might normally just learn about with writing notes. I hope my group gets to present soon and hopefully everyone will like it. Even though one group has done the fifties already, my group has some different information, so it shouldn't be repetitive.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Journal #8

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about potentially boycotting the Olympics in Beijing later this year. Even though it would hurt the athletes who have trained hard for this event and may not be able to return to the next games, I believe it is a safety concern. With China ruling over Tibet, and the fighting that has been going on because they want to have control over a place that has certain religious rules, it has caused major problems within the country. I think that bringing people from all over the world to a place that is having a war within it, is just asking for major trouble. It has the potential to be a serious safety risk, and people's health and safety could be in jeopardy. I think that the rumours that the prime minister is saying that Canada will probably not boycot the Olympics is out of order. I think that they are saying this simply because the Olympic Games are coming to Vancouer after that. There are several major protesting groups that are fighting for the freedom of Tibet, and if many countries boycotted the Olympics, it would be a world wide message that China should leave Tibet alone.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Journal #7

(Medis Studies)
This week I would like to talk again about our project on different decades. My group is doing the 1950's, and it is going quite well. We are filming a skit along with our own individual topics. The skit combines all of our topics into one, including music, fashion and family. The skit is taking a lot of time, but it should come together nicely. We have a script and everything, so the main problem is remembering the lines and acting out the parts at the right time. Having props for the set from Mrs. Briden's room is very beneficial, and I do not know how we could have done the skit without it. If anything, it will be extremely entertaining, and we are adding on some bloopers too. It should be really funny, and depict some of the common things that occurred in this decade. I am the camera-woman, and even though I'm not very good at it, I don't think it will look that bad. (fingers crossed) Anyway, I am learning a lot about the decade, and it is a very fun assignment.