Friday, April 25, 2008

Journal #10

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about the ongoing disputes that are centred around the Olympics. I know it is a very controversial topic, so I would like to throw my two cents in. I believe that countries should boycott the Olympics to show China that the world does not agree with its rule over Tibet. I don't think the Olympics should be put on in a country that us bringing such harm onto other people. It has escalated so that it is no longer about the athletes, but Tibet. The Olympics are supposed to be a symbol of peace, and I agree with many other people that the Olympics should not be held when there is not really a sense of peace in the world. Many people have said that the pro Tibet protesters are being disrespectful towards the athletes as they have continued to try to sabotage the torch relay. In my opinion, these people have been protesting for a long time, and now are simply using the Olympics as a global stage to get the word out. I completely approve.

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