Friday, April 11, 2008

Journal #8

(Media Studies)
This week I would like to talk about potentially boycotting the Olympics in Beijing later this year. Even though it would hurt the athletes who have trained hard for this event and may not be able to return to the next games, I believe it is a safety concern. With China ruling over Tibet, and the fighting that has been going on because they want to have control over a place that has certain religious rules, it has caused major problems within the country. I think that bringing people from all over the world to a place that is having a war within it, is just asking for major trouble. It has the potential to be a serious safety risk, and people's health and safety could be in jeopardy. I think that the rumours that the prime minister is saying that Canada will probably not boycot the Olympics is out of order. I think that they are saying this simply because the Olympic Games are coming to Vancouer after that. There are several major protesting groups that are fighting for the freedom of Tibet, and if many countries boycotted the Olympics, it would be a world wide message that China should leave Tibet alone.

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